...Despite the demands of a PhD degree, I continued to be involved in education and developed a program to train graduate students how to teach. I also tutored high school, college, and graduate students while under the pressures of a PhD program. I have studied physics for more than a decade and ... (read more)
...Only after all questions have been attempted would I normally consider checking work with a calculator. To improve SAT math scores, I work with a student to make sure their understanding of the subject is strong and help work the kinks out of any identified weaknesses in the tested skills. Soli... (read more)
...I ran Caltech's secondary school outreach program teaching math, physics, and SAT prep. Over three decades I have tutored countless students one-on-one in a variety of STEM topics. This has ranged from high school Algebra to Group Theory algebra, and even rarer topics like Graph Theory and Cryptography. (read more)
...As my identical major and minor grade point averages of 3.8/4.0 may suggest, I graduated with highest honor. Some of these degrees’ relevant courses include Calculus and Analytic Geometry I & II and also Introductions to both Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics. In high school, I sco... (read more)
...I am qualified to tutor differential equations because I have had this course two semesters ago while pursuing my Electrical Engineering degree. It is a very important class because many circuits can be solved using first and second-order differential equations. Spring-Mass equations, which are mainly found in physics, can be solved using D.E. techniques as well. (read more)