...If they need a helping hand, then I'm there to guide. If they need instruction then I offer it. It is my goal to get them "to walk on their own." Once a student can prove that they understand a concept, then it is time to move on to the next concept. (read more)
...Helping the student stay motivated by keeping it fun and interesting is another focus of mine - often being "stumped" is just a sign of a negative mindset: "I don't get it" or "it's just too hard" are attitudes I love to chase away! I find there's usually just a little piece missing in the stude... (read more)
...While completing my B.S. in Information Science and Technology at Penn State, I minored in Speech Communications. I have spent a lifetime working in positions in which public speaking and oral communication play very important roles. And I have years of experience in the theatre, both in school and in local productions, further developing my oratory skills. (read more)
...I have three teenage children of my own who keep me busy outside the classroom with sports and other activities. What I love about tutoring is the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with students. I often find that simply hearing the same content from a different voice - maybe explained a lit... (read more)