...I would be a great instructor for your needs! With a math degree, I have helped many students improve their skills. Oftentimes in younger students, their basic skills require strengthening. (read more)
...Calculus is beautiful. Many students find it tough, but the difficulty is usually from forgotten Algebra or Precalculus concepts. I love to help students find the beauty and logic in Calculus. (read more)
...I hold a bachelors degree in electrical engineering and a masters degree in education. When it comes to tutoring 1-on-1, I take the same approach I take in my classroom - I establish a relationship with the student so that I know how to best instruct them. Learning requires trust, and if my students don't believe I have their best interests at heart they're less likely to learn from me. (read more)
...I have taught reading incorporating phonetics for more than 10 years in a public school setting. Part of my B.A. in education involved learning methodology of teaching phonetics. I regularly incorporate phonics during tutoring sessions that involve learning how to read. (read more)