...I am available for both online and in-person tutoring. I specialize in problem-based learning where the tutoring session revolves solving problems in order to learn concepts through application instead of lecturing. I focus on errors students make in order to teach them how to avoid such errors in the future. (read more)
...I have taught all mathematics courses in high school including AP Calculus and AP Statistics. I have also taught at community colleges as well as universities. I have served on the State of Michigan Mathematics High School Content Expectations committee and I was part of the writing team for the State of Michigan Content Expectations. (read more)
...Young kids are often excited to learn once barriers are broken down/trust is established! Both my degrees are in religious studies. Among other subjects,I took classes on early Christian and Reformation history (including selected readings in theology for both). I also had classes on the New Testament books. (read more)
...Ask me what you need, and tell me where you are struggling...and I will gladly help you. Let me help with your pre-algebra work. I passed all mathematics classes with an excellent grade. (read more)