...Recently, I finished the MicroMaster’s program in statistics and data science, along with the applied data science program, offered by MIT. These programs introduced me to a variety of statistical and machine-learning methods. I am looking forward to the opportunity to share the knowledge I acquired in these programs with students interested in statistics. (read more)
...Took part in Math Olympics, statewide competition; lectured on mathematic topics around the aerodynamics of insect flight at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Recently I have revewied through complementary coursework the standard course material in Stats I--including basic variable normaliza... (read more)
...I have experience in relational database table structure, Query structure and dataflow automation. I also have experience in custom coding MS Access applications utins VBA. I have experience both in a stand alone environment of Visual Basic as well as VBA for Access and Excel. (read more)