...I teach developmental math courses for the college. I use short cuts to get the job done regarding getting solutions for problems which has a tendency to promote and build confidence in one's self. Confidence, i.e. a can do spirit is an essential element to gaining mastery in mathematics. (read more)
...Let me help you with papers and writing assignments. We can work together on concept development, writing and editing. I can also just do a final edit of your paper if you prefer. (read more)
...Through my classes, I learned a lot through my TAs and was inspired by a couple such students in their efforts of tutoring undergrad students. It was then where I realized how valuable receiving tutoring was and what it meant to those receiving aid. This is where I had passion for teaching others came from, as I had also tutored previously for my mother's students as well. (read more)
...I am a certified English language Arts teacher in the state of Texas and I have taught over 10 years End of Year Examination Courses of English II. I implement Common Core Standards in my End of Year Examination courses for English II, and AP English III. I have also worked with TEA in Reviewing Item Field testing questions for the End of Year examination. (read more)
...I help them block out their hand and body motions, get rid of extraneous distracting movements, and convey confidence. Sincerity in speech is key to success. I taught the STAAR standards for years in 7th grade and then again in 10th grade. (read more)