...In high school, I was a member of Mu Alpha Theta and tutored other high school students in math. I currently work my college's math tutoring center. For high school students, I tutor Algebra 1-2, Geometry, Pre-Calculus, and AB and BC Calculus. (read more)
...I have not tutored Linear Algebra before, but I have often helped out my classmates in the groupchat. I have taken coursework in probability and statistics, and frequently use probabilities in Machine Learning. I have not tutored probability before. (read more)
...I build upon what the student knows, which is easier with more time. Let me know if you would like to start preparing for the GRE. I have studied Biblical and Modern Hebrew and am comfortable with teaching the fundamentals. (read more)
...I love helping struggling students to see the problem from a different angle and to be successful. I have also homeschooled my own children off and on over the years. I have a strong math base and have taught almost every level of math and science. (read more)
...I enjoy science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) teaching and learning, and seek to provide students with real-world, interdisciplinary learning experiences. We are all individuals, and learn in different ways and at different rates. I provide tutoring, home bound, and home school supp... (read more)