...Feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions! My door is open.I obtained my double-degree in Chemistry and Mathematics in just 3 years. Achieved my undergraduate double-degree in chemistry and mathematics in just 3 years. (read more)
...It's reality. I have found that there are very specific reasons why a student would have trouble studying. Knowing these and how to remedy them opens the door to real learning. (read more)
...The GRE math section actually covers only math lower than a 10th grade level. Nearly all of my GRE students have been adults wanting to get an advanced degree after 5 or more years out of college. They are convinced that they have forgotten most of the math they learned in high school and college. (read more)
...Differential Equations and Partial Differential Equations were my area of specialization in Kiev National University. I also have a published work in this area. I have a master's degree in math. (read more)