...I have a Bachelor of Science in Math, with hundreds of hours experience working with high school and college students on math problems and concepts, including Algebra 2. I have been tutoring Chemistry in earnest for 4 years and I am loving it! I also taught General Chemistry I and II and Labs for Quincy College in Massachusetts. (read more)
...This is a liberal arts degree, meaning I’ve taken courses that encompass a wide variety of academic subjects. I served as a teaching assistant for the Intro to Biology course for two years. This class had over 500 students! (read more)
...During my work career I tutored AP Physics and Calculus at North Andover High School in Massachusetts. In addition I have tutored several students in the Boothbay area as well as all my nieces and nephews. I feel I have a very unique teaching method emphasizing the use of the material first followed by the more formal textbook style. (read more)