...I have always loved math and am fulfilled by sharing that love with others. I have gotten a lot of feedback from my students and their parents, that they like my teaching style. I am a proponent of teaching the ‘why’ as opposed to rote memorization. (read more)
...Years of programming in and outside of school. Understands the foundational ideas of development and how to properly interpret code while also challenging those I teach and give step by step explanations on the development process. Math has always been a strong suit of mine throughout my entire education. (read more)
...I recently graduated from the University of Chicago with a master’s degree in physics as all but dissertation and a second master's degree in astronomy & astrophysics. I took a differential equations course in college and earned an A+. I majored in math with a 3.97 GPA. I also TA'd a math methods physics course in grad school, which included differential equations. (read more)
...Not sure if you should be adding or subtracting from both sides of an equation, or multiplying or dividing on both sides? Do terms like 'radicals' or phrases like 'rational expressions' make you wonder if you are still talking about math? Please message me when ready to start tackling these items, or any others, which may be giving you trouble. (read more)
...I have taught Algebra 1 for about six years at a High School. I have taught Algebra 2 for about four years and have had a high passing rate. I have taught Geometry for about two years. (read more)