...This educational background equipped me with a strong foundation in analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Now, as a passionate learner, I am eager to extend my knowledge and help others in the areas of mathematics and computer science. While I am relatively new to tutoring, I approach it with great enthusiasm and dedication. (read more)
...I works with students of all races, colors, religions, sexes, sexual orientations, gender identities/expressions, and national origins.I taught fifth grade math in a Massachuestts public school for 3 years as a licensed elementary teacher. I then worked as a grades 1-8 math specialist at an inde... (read more)
I have been a teacher for 13 years. I spent ten of those years in Virginia where I taught second grade, fourth grade, and Kindergarten. During those years I tutored Kindergarten and second grade students in math and reading in small group settings. (read more)
...In short, if you need a little help better understanding anything from Math, to Guitar/Songwriting/Music Theory, or even Philosophy, it would be my pleasure to share everything I have learned in order to learn, grow and develop along with you! No matter what the subject, I will help you "learn h... (read more)